Just another Manic Monday.

Started off trying to make sure the small finds (individually numbered and measured in because they may be important) & bulk finds (recorded in bulk by context) were bagged and labeled properly and that all the paperwork matched up while the others started attacking context 3 in earnest.

Trench 1, Contexts 3 and 4 at close of play

Its been an odd context so far – some rather late looking glass & 2 bits of metal work, no pottery to speak of, and lots of lovely chert.
Find Of The Day is more Finds Of The Day. The Finds being the 2 bits of metal work. One was from Context 3 and the other from 4 (the Doughnut context). I’ve chosen them because they pose us a rather unwelcome puzzle. They need to be examined more before any thoughts can be formulated.

Find Of The Day – our 2 metal miscreants.

Beast Of The Day was a racing ground beetle larva, probably looking for some tasty slug snacks.
Rest day tomorrow then back into the pit on Wednesday.

Beast Of The Day – super fast ground beetle larva