The Friends are all our members who have a common interest in the history and heritage of the Pendle area and get together for a variety of events. We want to help people understand, discover and rediscover the breadth and richness of many aspects of our local culture that has been handed down the generations. Through our events we hope to bring the community together to keep our cultural heritage alive ready to be passed down to the next generation.

We are an independent organisation, run by volunteers, concentrating on both Heritage and Archaeology.

A committee of the Trustees meet six times a year to decide on the calendar of events.

FoPH Trustees

Chair / Events Calendar: Dawn Beaumont

Secretary / Membership Secretary / Heritage Events: Jean Hardman

Treasurer: Susan Booth

Website: Pete Booth


Archaeology: Georgina Bentley, David Taylor, Alex Whitlock, Sue Wilkinson

Heritage Events: Judith Fothergill, Alan Hardman, Janet Ryan, Andrea Smith

Second-hand books: Judith Fothergill, Brenda Taylor

Website: Barrie Tyrer

There are many ways to help Friends of Pendle Heritage. If you would like to volunteer either as a Trustee or behind the scenes, please do get in touch: e: / m: 07787 631078 (Dawn Beaumont).

Our Charitable Constitution can be viewed on the Charity Commission website.

We have the following policies in place, which can be viewed by contacting e:

Complaints Procedure

Conflict of Interest

Declaration of Interest of Trustees

Equality and Diversity

Health and Safety

