Trench 6 extension
On an uncharacteristically fine and sunny day, the group returned to Calf Hill to continue investigating the track/road. Specific questions being asked were ‘How wide is the road’ and ‘What date is the road?’. Trench 6 (see Calf Hill Season 2 Part 1 Day 3 29/5/19) was located and an extension trench 2mx4m was opened.
The turf was removed and Context 1 trowelled. This revealed an area of drainage pipe pieces compacted in an area of stone in the north eastern corner of the trench. The southern part of the trench revealed a stone feature. A darker area of soil possibly indicating a cut was also discovered.
Removal of the darker feature was begun. Underneath the feature, the cobbled road surface (similar to that found in 2018 season) was discovered again. However, the cobbled road surface does not continue in this area in the west of the trench. Further investigation is required.
Banner Image: The Diggers. All images – Attribution Catherine Rousseau Jones