This was a most fascinating exhibition which was too late for some people who were the concubines and slaves of the early Chinese Emporers. Unfortunately they were victims of ‘retainer sacrifice’ being put to death to serve their leader in the afterlife.

Part of the Terracotta Army. Word Museum Liverpool
The Emporer Qin Shi Huang must have thought he would have had no fear of being attacked by enemies when he buried a terracotta warrior army to accompany him in the afterlife. The figures date from 210-209 BCE (Before Common Era) and vary in height according to their rank. Also included are chariots and horses. An estimated 8,000 soldiers 130 chariots and 670 horses are included in the pits, which also contain officials, musicians and acrobats.
It was also interesting to see from depictions and models how the army was created, of course the work force must have been enormous. Differentiation between the ranks and occupations eg swords man or use of bows and arrows was intriguing also.

Terracotta Army exhibition at Gydnia Poland 2006. Attribution: Tomasz Sienicki
The Project began when the Emperor ascended the throne at the age of thirteen and the work involved 700,000 workers. Qin Shi Huang was also buried with wondrous objects and artefacts near land that was rich with gold and jade and a hundred flowing rivers of mercury. No health and safety there then……
After the visiting the exhibition some people visited other floors of the Museum and some people got as far as the Docks. Other people visited the Walker Art Gallery and a few of us visited St George’s Hall where the enormous stone slabs at the top of the steps do indeed look larger than the one outside the Town Hall in Colne. (Thankyou Kevin, however, we forgot to take the tape measure!)
Despite a few hiccups, coach breaking down on the way there and traffic hold ups on the way back, we reached home safe and sound having enjoyed a good day out.